Topographic Map: Dutch Flat (7.5'), Westville (7.5')
Managing Agency: Tahoe National Forest
The USGS topographic map not only has the location of the mine incorrect, but also the incorrect spelling of Blackhawk rather than Black Hawk, the guide continues this error in naming.
The Blackhawk Mine claim was patented in 1903.
This 1899 plat of the claim, with the correct name and location, was filed along with the patent.
Click for larger image (1.2MB).
This description of the Southern Cross mine is from
Mines and Mineral Resources of the Counties of El Dorado, Placer, Sacramento, Yuba (1917):
The Southern Cross claim was patented in 1901. This 1900 plat of the claim was filed along with the patent. Click for larger image (1.2MB).